Sunday, March 30, 2008

Viewpoint Forum Relaunched Referral Program!

Just a day after I wrote about cashing out my earnings from Viewpoint Forum, now there's a big news update from them! Viewpoint Forum has relaunched their referral program! Now the referral counts are reset to 0 and I have 5 more referrals/invites to give out. Better yet, I get 100 points per new user who signs up using my invitation. It used to be 50 points per successful invite. So anyone who would like to join Viewpoint Forum panel, contact me or leave a comment. I'll send out the invite, I have 4 invites left.


Anonymous said...

I've been researching survey sites as a source of online income and if you have any invites left I'd be interesting in checking out Viewpoint.


pro D said...

Sure I can do that. But please provide me with a contact info first. LOL (o.0)

1st name and email address.
or else, shoot me an email
projectd2006 (at) gmail

Anonymous said...

I've been looking for a referral! If you still have any left, can you please send to me? Thanks so much!
danellesurvey at hotmail dot com

pro D said...

Just sent one. Check your inbox. Thanks.

smeghead said...

Would love a referral to viewpoint if you have any - thanks much!


Anonymous said...

Do you happen to have any referrals left?


Anonymous said...

please send me a referral

Anonymous said...

hi, i would like to be your referral. :D